Deakin University
QS World University Rankings 2025.
Programas de Pregrado
Programas de Posgrado
Deakin University: The Future Belongs to the Ready.
Una educación de alta calidad, excelentes perspectivas de empleo y una experiencia universitaria que te encantará: eso es lo que ofrece Deakin University.
Deakin University en Australia, está clasificada entre las 50 mejores universidades jóvenes del mundo. Tiene una reputación de ser innovadora y visionaria, abriendo nuevos caminos tanto a nivel local como global. Con cientos de cursos ofrecidos en cinco excelentes campus y opciones de estudio flexibles, los estudiantes pueden elegir un curso que se adapte a su estilo de vida actual mientras persiguen sus objetivos para el futuro.
Deakin es reconocida por sus instalaciones de alta calidad, investigación y enseñanza, así como por su innovación e inclusividad. En 2019, fue nombrada la universidad número uno en el estado australiano de Victoria por los resultados de empleo de pregrado. Además, ocupa un lugar entre el 1% de las mejores universidades del mundo, lo que explica por qué su educación de clase mundial atrae a estudiantes de todo el mundo. Y están satisfechos una vez que llegan: los estudiantes universitarios han calificado a Deakin como la universidad pública número uno de Australia en cuanto a "experiencia general del estudiante".
A medida que avanzamos hacia un futuro cada vez más digital, Deakin ha invertido en la última tecnología, herramientas de aprendizaje de última generación e instalaciones para garantizar que sus estudiantes estén equipados con las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para los trabajos del mañana.
¿Por qué estudiar en Deakin University?
Excelencia Académica
Investigación de clase mundial
Dentro del 1% de las mejores universidades del mundo
Excelentes perspectivas de empleo
#11 en QS WUR Ranking By Subject.
QS World University Rankings, 2024.
Programas disponibles en Deakin University
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Creative Arts
Bachelor of Creative Writing
Bachelor of Design
Bachelor of Design (3D Animation)
Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Design (Digital Technologies)
Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication)
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Business (Sport Management)
Bachelor of Business Analytics
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Business Analytics
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)/Bachelor of Property and Real Estate
Bachelor of Data Science
Bachelor of Marketing (Psychology)
Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Cyber Security
Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Industry) (Honours)
Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Health Sciences/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Health and Medical Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Health and Physical Education
Bachelor of Medical Imaging
Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Nursing (Clinical Leadership)
Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery
Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Psychological Science
Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Public Health and Health Promotion
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Bachelor of Psychological Science
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Vision Science/Master of Optometry
Bachelor of Zoology and Animal Science
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Environmental Management and Sustainability)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Wildlife and Conservation Biology)
Bachelor of Forensic Science
Bachelor of Marine Science
Bachelor of Nutrition Science
Bachelor of Nutrition Science (Dietetics Pathway)
Bachelor of Nutrition Science/Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Arts/Master of International Relations
Bachelor of Arts/Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Communication (Advertising)
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Communication (Digital Media)
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Communication (Journalism)
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations)
Bachelor of Communication
Bachelor of Criminology
Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Cyber Security
Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Psychological Science
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
Bachelor of Early Childhood and Primary Education
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science
Bachelor of Film, Television and Animation
Bachelor of Forensic Science/Bachelor of Criminology
Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Psychology)
Bachelor of International Studies
Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Cyber Security
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of International Studies
Bachelor of Property and Real Estate
Bachelor of Property and Real Estate/Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Property and Real Estate/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Public Health and Health Promotion
Bachelor of Public Health and Health Promotion/Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Science/Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Sport Development
​6 Especialidades en Artes y Humanidades
11 Especialidades en Negocios y Gestión
19 Especialidades en Ingeniería y Tecnología
20 Especialidades en Ciencias de la Vida y Medicina
4 Especialidades en Ciencias Naturales
24 Especialidades en Ciencias Sociales y Gestión