University of Southern Queensland
QS World University Rankings 2025.
Programas de Pregrado
Programas de Posgrado
University of Southern Queensland: solving problems that matter
La University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ) es la principal universidad regional de Australia. Con un fuerte enfoque en la investigación, la enseñanza y una experiencia positiva para los estudiantes, UniSQ ofrece programas flexibles de alta calidad que producen algunos de los graduados mejor pagados de Australia. Los estudiantes se benefician de opciones flexibles de estudios presenciales, distribuidos en tres campus en Queensland, Australia, opciones de estudio en línea y multimodales, y a través de socios educativos nacionales e internacionales de confianza. UniSQ está clasificada entre las mejores 400 universidades del mundo y entre las 58 mejores universidades jóvenes a nivel mundial. Además, UniSQ está calificada como una universidad QS de 5 estrellas y tiene una clasificación de 5/5 estrellas en Australia por empleo de graduados y salarios iniciales de graduados.
Los estudiantes se benefician de opciones flexibles de estudios presenciales, distribuidos en tres campus (Toowoomba, Springfield e Ipswich) en Queensland, Australia, opciones de estudio en línea y multimodales, y a través de partners educativos nacionales e internacionales de confianza.
UniSQ está en una búsqueda constante de excelencia en la investigación, con un enfoque en marcar una diferencia impactante tanto a nivel nacional como global. Sus docentes están involucrados en sus campos como profesionales de la industria, integrando conocimientos prácticos del mundo real con experiencia en enseñanza y aprendizaje. La agenda de investigación de UniSQ aborda desafíos globales críticos para generar cambios positivos con las industrias y en sus comunidades locales y globales.
¿Por qué estudiar en UniSQ?
Excelencia Académica
Alta empleabilidad en graduados
Investigación de excelencia
Universidad QS de 5 estrellas
Universidad QS de 5 estrellas.
QS World University Ranking 2025.
Programas disponibles en University of Southern Queensland
Associate Degree of Construction (Construction Management)
Associate Degree of Spatial Science (Geographic Information Systems)
Associate Degree of Spatial Science (Surveying)
Associate Degree of Spatial Science (Urban and Regional Planning)
Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology)
Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)
Bachelor of Arts (Criminology and Criminal Justice)
Bachelor of Arts (English Literature)
Bachelor of Arts (History)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Creative and Critical Writing)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (English Literature)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (History)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Music)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Theatre)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Visual Arts)
Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing (Music)
Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing (Theatre)
Bachelor of Creative Arts and Community Wellbeing (Visual Art)
Bachelor of General Studies
Bachelor of Music (Music Practice)
Bachelor of Music (Musical Communication)
Bachelor of Theatre (Acting)
Bachelor of Theatre (Theatre Making)
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (Honours)
Bachelor of Visual Art (Curation, Innovation and Visual Art)
Diploma of Arts
Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Business (Finance)
Bachelor of Business (Information Systems Management)
Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Marketing)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Artificial Intelligence and Data Science)
Graduate Diploma of Business (Business Foundations)
Graduate Diploma of Business (Finance)
Graduate Diploma of Business (Information Management Systems)
Graduate Diploma of Business (Leadership)
Graduate Diploma of Business (Managing Cyber Risk)
Graduate Diploma of Business (People and Culture)
Graduate Diploma of Business Administration
Associate Degree of Engineering (Agricultural Engineering)
Associate Degree of Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Associate Degree of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
Associate Degree of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Associate Degree of Engineering (Mining Engineering)
Bachelor of Aviation (Aviation Management)
Bachelor of Aviation (Flight Operations)
Bachelor of Construction (Honours) (Construction Management)
Bachelor of Design and Interactive Technologies (Apps and Interactive Systems Development)
Bachelor of Design and Interactive Technologies (Digital Media)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Computer Systems Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Instrumentation Control and Automation Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Power Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering Science (Civil Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering Science (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering Science (Infrastructure Management Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering Science (Mechanical Engineering)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Networking and Cyber Security)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Application Development)
Bachelor of Science (Computing)
Bachelor of Science (Information Technology)
Associate Degree of Allied Health
Associate Degree of Medical Laboratory Science
Bachelor of Agricultural Technology and Management
Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology)
Bachelor of Arts (First Nations Australia)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Anthropology)
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Agricultural Engineering)
Bachelor of Health (Honours) (Biomedical Sciences)
Bachelor of Health (Honours) (Human Services)
Bachelor of Health (Honours) (Medical Laboratory Science)
Bachelor of Health (Honours) (Midwifery)
Bachelor of Health (Honours) (Nursing)
Bachelor of Health (Honours) (Paramedicine)
Bachelor of Human Services (Child and Family Studies)
Bachelor of Human Services (Counselling)
Bachelor of Human Services (Health and Social Wellbeing)
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)
Bachelor of Paramedicine
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)
Bachelor of Science (Biology)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biology)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Psychology)
Bachelor of Science (Human Physiology)
Bachelor of Science (Plant Agricultural Science)
Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
Bachelor of Science (Wildlife Management)
Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise (Honours) (Clinical Exercise Physiology)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Environmental Engineering)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Climate Science)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Ecology and Conservation)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Water Science)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Wildlife and Pest Management)
Bachelor of Science (Astronomical and Space Sciences)
Bachelor of Science (Environment and Sustainability)
Bachelor of Science (Food Science)
Bachelor of Science (Geospatial Science)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Applied Mathematics and Statistics)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Chemistry)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Environment and Sustainability)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Physics)
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Statistics)
Bachelor of Science (Physics)
Academic Communication Skills Program
Associate Degree of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Contemporary Media Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (International Relations)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Public Relations Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (International Relations)
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism)
Bachelor of Arts (Legal Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (Social Justice and Entrepreneurship)
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Advertising)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Digital Media)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Documentary Production)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Journalism)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Professional Photography)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Public Relations)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Software Application Development)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Film, Television and Radio)
Bachelor of Early Childhood
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
Bachelor of Film and Screen Production (Film Production)
Bachelor of Film and Screen Production (Screen Production)
Bachelor of Health (Honours) (Sport and Exercise)
Bachelor of Human Services (Community Development and Indigenous Studies)
Bachelor of Human Services (Human Resource Management)
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
Bachelor of Television and Radio Production (Radio Production)
Bachelor of Television and Radio Production (Television Production)
Diploma of Human Services and Development
Graduate Certificate of Education (Career Development)
Graduate Certificate of Education (Counselling in Educational Contexts)
Graduate Certificate of Education (Special & Inclusive Education)
17 Especialidades en Artes y Humanidades
39 Especialidades en Negocios y Gestión
95 Especialidades en Ingeniería y Tecnología
54 Especialidades en Ciencias de la Vida y Medicina
30 Especialidades en Ciencias Naturales
36 Especialidades en Ciencias Sociales y Gestión